The Narcissistic Sibling: 12 Signs to Watch Out For.

Growing up with a sibling can be a beautiful thing. Someone to share secrets with, play games with, and create lasting memories with. However, not all sibling relationships are built on love and trust. In some cases, having a narcissistic sibling can be incredibly challenging and toxic. Narcissism is a personality disorder characterised by a grandiose sense of self-importance, a lack of empathy for others, and a need for constant admiration. This type of behaviour can be damaging and hurtful, especially when it comes from someone who is supposed to be your family.

If you suspect that your sibling may be narcissistic, it’s important to be aware of the signs and symptoms so that you can protect yourself and set boundaries. In this article, we will explore 12 signs to watch out for if you suspect that your sibling may be narcissistic. These signs can help you better understand the behaviour that you are experiencing and take steps to protect yourself and your well-being.

  1. Extremely self-centered.

One of the most common traits of a narcissistic sibling is their extreme self-centeredness. They may always talk about themselves, their accomplishments, and their wants and needs. They may struggle to show interest in your life or your feelings and may constantly steer conversations back to themselves. This can leave you feeling unseen and unheard in your relationship with them.

  1. Extremely envious of you.

Narcissistic siblings often have a deep sense of envy towards their siblings. They may feel threatened by your accomplishments, relationships, or talents and may try to undermine you or belittle your successes. They may compete with you for attention and validation and may go to great lengths to make themselves look better in comparison to you.

  1. They are only interested if they have something to gain.

Narcissistic siblings may only show interest in you when they have something to gain from the relationship. They may reach out to you when they need something from you but may ignore you or dismiss you when you are in need. This one-sided dynamic can be emotionally draining and can leave you feeling used and unappreciated.

  1. Entitled to your stuff.

Narcissistic siblings may have a sense of entitlement when it comes to your belongings or resources. They may feel that they deserve to borrow or take your things without asking and may become upset or aggressive if you refuse to comply. This lack of respect for your boundaries and possessions can be a clear sign of narcissistic behaviour.

  1. They make you the scapegoat.

In many cases, narcissistic siblings will make you the scapegoat for their own shortcomings or mistakes. They may blame you for their problems, project their insecurities onto you, or use you as a target for their anger and frustration. This can be incredibly hurtful and can damage your self-esteem over time.

  1. Torment you behind closed doors, protect you in public.

One of the most insidious aspects of narcissistic behaviour is the way that they can switch between tormenting you in private and protecting you in public. They may belittle you, manipulate you, or gaslight you when you are alone, but they may act like the perfect sibling when others are around. This Jekyll and Hyde dynamic can make it difficult for others to believe your experiences and can leave you feeling isolated and confused.

  1. No conscience.

Narcissistic siblings often lack a conscience or a sense of remorse for their actions. They may lie, manipulate, or deceive without feeling guilty and may show little empathy or concern for how their behaviour impacts others. This lack of empathy can be shocking and painful to witness, especially when it comes from someone who is supposed to care about you.

  1. No accountability.

Another key trait of narcissistic behaviour is the lack of accountability. Narcissistic siblings may refuse to take responsibility for their actions or admit when they are wrong. They may deflect blame onto others, make excuses for their behaviour, or minimise the impact of their actions on those around them. This pattern of denial and deflection can make it incredibly difficult to have an open and honest relationship with them.

  1. Lack of empathy.

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, and it is a key component of healthy relationships. Narcissistic siblings often lack empathy and struggle to connect with the emotions of those around them. They may dismiss or downplay your feelings, invalidate your experiences, or show little concern for your well-being. This emotional disconnect can make it hard to feel understood or supported by them.

  1. Plots and plans against you.

Narcissistic siblings may engage in covert or manipulative behaviour in order to undermine you or gain the upper hand. They may scheme behind your back, spread rumours about you, or try to turn others against you in order to boost their own ego or protect their own interests. This type of behaviour can be incredibly damaging and can erode trust in your relationship with them.

  1. Bullying, intimidating, stealing, terrorising you, then playing the victim.

Narcissistic siblings may engage in bullying, intimidation, or stealing in order to assert their power and control over you. They may use threats, manipulation, or coercion to get what they want and may resort to aggressive or violent behaviour if they feel threatened or challenged. After engaging in these harmful actions, they may then play the victim and try to garner sympathy or support from others. This cycle of abuse can be emotionally exhausting and can leave you feeling powerless and isolated.

  1. Acts like the perfect angel in front of others.

Lastly, narcissistic siblings are often skilled at wearing a mask in front of others. They may present themselves as charming, generous, and caring in public but may show a completely different side of themselves when the spotlight is off. This false persona can make it difficult for others to see the true nature of their behaviour and can leave you feeling frustrated and invalidated.

In conclusion, having a narcissistic sibling can be incredibly challenging and hurtful. If you suspect that your sibling may be narcissistic, it’s important to be aware of the signs and symptoms so that you can protect yourself and set boundaries. By recognising the behaviours outlined in this article, you can better understand the dynamics of your relationship and take steps to prioritise your own well-being. Remember, it’s okay to distance yourself from toxic relationships and prioritise your own mental and emotional health.

Check these out!

15 Rules To Deal With Narcissistic People.: How To Stay Sane And Break The Chain.

Narcissists Handbook: The ultimate guide to understanding and overcoming narcissistic and emotional abuse.-1

Boundaries with Narcissists: Safeguarding Emotional, Psychological, and Physical Independence.



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The online courses are available by Elizabeth Shaw.

For the full course.

Click here to sign up for the full, Break Free From Narcissistic Abuse, with a link in the course to a free, hidden online support group with fellow survivors.

For the free course.

Click here to sign up for the free online starter course.

To help with overcoming the trauma bond and anxiety course.

Click here for the online course to help you break the trauma bond, and those anxiety triggers.

All about the narcissist Online course.

Click here to learn more about the narcissist personality disorder.

The narcissists counter-parenting.

Click here for more information on recovery from narcissistic abuse, and information on co-parenting with a narcissist.

Elizabeth Shaw is not a Doctor or a therapist. She is a mother of five, a blogger, a survivor of narcissistic abuse, and a life coach, She always recommends you get the support you feel comfortable and happy with. Finding the right support for you. Elizabeth has partnered with BetterHelp (Sponsored.) where you will be matched with a licensed councillor, who specialises in recovery from this kind of abuse.

Click here for Elizabeth Shaw’s Recommended reading list for more information on recovery from narcissistic abuse.

Narcissistic Siblings: 12 Signs Your Brother Or Sister Is A Narcissist

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