Uncovering the Manipulative Tactics of a Victim Narcissist: Common Phrases to Watch Out For

Understanding and identifying a victim narcissist can be a challenging task, especially when they are skilled at manipulating and gaslighting those around them. One common way to recognise a victim narcissist is through the phrases they often use to deflect blame and manipulate others into feeling guilty. These phrases serve as red flags for the toxic dynamic that a victim narcissist creates in relationships. Let’s delve deeper into some of the most common phrases that identify a victim narcissist.

  1. You always blame me.”

One of the tell-tale signs of a victim narcissist is their tendency to deflect blame onto others, even when they are clearly at fault. By accusing others of always blaming them, they shift the focus away from their own behaviour and attempt to guilt-trip those around them. This manipulative tactic allows the victim narcissist to avoid taking responsibility for their actions and fosters a toxic dynamic in the relationship.

  1. “I knew it would be my fault.”

Victim narcissists are quick to play the victim card in any situation, even when they are not directly involved. They have a tendency to anticipate blame and criticism, which allows them to manipulate others into feeling sorry for them. By preemptively claiming that everything is their fault, they seek validation and attention from those around them while avoiding accountability for their actions.

  1. “You’re never there for me.”

A victim narcissist often employs guilt-tripping tactics to manipulate others into meeting their emotional needs. By portraying themselves as the neglected and unloved victim, they seek reassurance and validation from their partners or friends. This phrase is a classic example of their manipulation tactics, as they use it to elicit sympathy and attention from others while disregarding their own responsibility in the relationship.

  1. “You always put them before me.”

Victim narcissists have a tendency to feel threatened by the attention and care that others receive. They are quick to accuse their partners or friends of prioritising others over them, which stems from their deep-seated insecurities and need for constant validation. By playing the victim in this way, they seek to control and manipulate those around them into meeting their emotional needs.

  1. “You always doubt me.”

In an attempt to undermine the credibility of others and reinforce their victim status, victim narcissists often accuse others of doubting them. This phrase is used to manipulate others into feeling guilty for questioning the victim narcissist’s actions or intentions. By playing the victim in this way, they seek to maintain control and power over those around them.

  1. “I can’t do anything right, can I.”

Victim narcissists often employ passive-aggressive tactics to manipulate and control those around them. By feigning incompetence and helplessness, they seek to evoke feelings of guilt and responsibility in others. This phrase is a classic example of their manipulation tactics, as they use it to manipulate others into feeling sorry for them and doing things for them out of a sense of obligation.

  1. “You make me feel.”

One of the key tactics of victim narcissists is to manipulate others into taking responsibility for their emotions. By blaming others for how they feel, they seek to control and manipulate those around them into meeting their emotional needs. This phrase is a classic example of their manipulative tactics, as they use it to shift the blame onto others and avoid accountability for their actions.

  1. “You never appreciate anything I do.”

Victim narcissists often seek validation and praise from others to feed their fragile egos. By accusing others of not appreciating them, they manipulate and guilt-trip those around them into providing the attention and validation they crave. This phrase is a classic example of their manipulative tactics, as they use it to control and manipulate others into meeting their emotional needs.

  1. “I knew it would be my fault.”

Victim narcissists have a tendency to anticipate blame and criticism in any situation. By preemptively claiming that everything is their fault, they seek to manipulate and control others into feeling sorry for them. This phrase is a classic example of their manipulation tactics, as they use it to shift the blame onto others and avoid taking responsibility for their actions.

  1. “I’m trying my best.”

A victim narcissist often expects unwavering support and validation from others without putting in the necessary effort themselves. By accusing others of not appreciating their minimal efforts, they manipulate and guilt-trip those around them into meeting their emotional needs. This phrase is a classic example of their manipulative tactics, as they use it to control and manipulate others into providing the attention and validation they crave.

  1. “Here we go again, twisting my words.”

Victim narcissists often gaslight and manipulate others by denying their actions or intentions. By accusing others of twisting their words, they seek to deflect blame and responsibility onto others. This phrase is a classic example of their gaslighting tactics, as they use it to manipulate and control others into doubting themselves and their perceptions.

  1. “Stop trying to control me.”

One of the key tactics of victim narcissists is to accuse others of trying to control or manipulate them. By playing the victim in this way, they seek to shift the focus onto others and avoid taking responsibility for their actions. This phrase is a classic example of their manipulation tactics, as they use it to deflect blame and manipulate others into feeling guilty for their perceived control.

In conclusion, identifying a victim narcissist can be a challenging task, but by recognising the common phrases they use to manipulate and manipulate others, it becomes easier to spot the toxic dynamic they create in relationships. These phrases serve as red flags for the manipulation and gaslighting tactics that victim narcissists employ to control and manipulate those around them. By understanding these phrases and the behaviours they represent, it becomes easier to protect oneself from the toxic influence of a victim narcissist and maintain healthy boundaries in relationships.

Narcissistic Behaviour | Common Phrases That Identify Victim Narcissism

Check these out!

15 Rules To Deal With Narcissistic People.: How To Stay Sane And Break The Chain.

Narcissists Handbook: The ultimate guide to understanding and overcoming narcissistic and emotional abuse.-1

Boundaries with Narcissists: Safeguarding Emotional, Psychological, and Physical Independence.

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To help with overcoming the trauma bond and anxiety course.

Click here for the online course to help you break the trauma bond, and those anxiety triggers.

All about the narcissist Online course.

Click here to learn more about the narcissist personality disorder.

The narcissists counter-parenting.

Click here for more information on recovery from narcissistic abuse, and information on co-parenting with a narcissist.

Elizabeth Shaw is not a Doctor or a therapist. She is a mother of five, a blogger, a survivor of narcissistic abuse, and a life coach, She always recommends you get the support you feel comfortable and happy with. Finding the right support for you. Elizabeth has partnered with BetterHelp (Sponsored.) where you will be matched with a licensed councillor, who specialises in recovery from this kind of abuse.

Click here for Elizabeth Shaw’s Recommended reading list for more information on recovery from narcissistic abuse.

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